The WDS (an abbreviation of Web-based Data Science, or DataScience@Web) Research group was established from 2013, which comprises a team of enthusiastic scientists and self-motivated students in the area of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. This group is co-supervised by Professor Xiang Zhang and Professor Huiying Li.
Professor Xiang Zhang received his Ph.D from Southeast University in 2009, advised by Professor Yuzhong Qu on the topic of Semantic Search. He is now conducting researches on Machine Learning and Data Mining in biomedical domain. Professor Huiying Li received her Ph.D from Southeast University in 2011, also advised by Professor Yuzhong Qu on the topic of Semantic Querying. She is now focusing on Knowledge-based Question-Answering.
Our research scopes include:
We are sincerely looking forward to academic and industrial collaborations. We are also happy to receive applications for a full-time postgraduate study or a short-term visiting. Please feel free to contact: