Java Programming

Xiang Zhang

Preparing the Environment

Java Style

Checkstyle is a Open Source development tool to help you ensure that your Java code adheres to a set of coding standards. Checkstyle does this by inspecting your Java source code and pointing out items that deviate from a defined set of coding rules.

Searchable Javadoc

CHM version of Javadoc for JDK8



All the assignments must be submitted to
Soft Deadline: submit your code before the next weekend.
Hard Deadline: submit all your assignements before the examination week.
Please pay attention:
For Chinese class, the title of your email should be: 中文班 + 学号 + 姓名 + 章节,for example: "中文班 71120101 张祥 第五章作业"
For English class, the title of your email should be: 英文班 + 学号 + 姓名 + 章节,for example: "英文班 71120101 张祥 第五章作业"

Course Design

构造一个ATM机,允许存在多个账户,且向用户提供两层菜单: 第一层菜单为用户登录菜单,包括以下两个功能:

  1. create new user (创建新用户)
  2. login (用户登录)
  3. exit (退出ATM机)


  1. change password (修改密码)
  2. query (查询余额)
  3. withdraw (取钱)
  4. deposit (存钱)
  5. logout (用户登出,回到一级菜单)
